Thursday, November 28, 2013

Electricity and Magnetism Field trip to Gwacheon Science Museum

On 21st of November we went to Gwacheon Science Museum. The chaperon of our group is my Mom. In my group we have Yubin, Hannah, Kailey and including me! As usual our teacher Mrs. Anderson gives us a 3 pages assignment. She told us that if we did it well without any mistakes we get a prize from the prize box. We did our very best time and effort to finish that assignment that our teacher gave us. Yay!!!! Finally we finish our assignment. Our teacher also told us if we're finish early and we've checked it, we can explore other things! We explore space and other fascinating exhibits. After we explore and roam around, we wanted to ride Gyroscope. Our chaperon wanted to take three tickets for Shakira, Hannah and Kailey but they're sold out!(Yubin didn't get to ride anything because she's only about 127 cm tall.) Instead our chaperon took tickets for us to play MMU. The tickets to play are free, you just need to take that from the ticket booth. Oh before I forgot we ate lunch before playing the MMU. Afterwards, we took our tickets. Hannah was first, Kailey was second and I was last in line. I was last in line because I wasn't sure it was scary or not. I looked carefully at them until it's my turn. The MMU can go 3 meters high! For me it wasn't that scary. After that exiting and fascinating journey we're finally in the bus heading back to GSIS my school. In our timetable we still have two period of class. We spend that time to do our formative. While our teacher is checking our assignment that she gave us this morning. Almost half of the class got the prize including me! We were tired but it was an enjoyable field trip.

P.S actually that field trip was a memory that I will not forget!